Sunday, 7 April 2013

7.4.13 ~ Drawing of a Fairy


Drawing Number 1~

Beautiful isn't it?
Want to learn how to draw it?
Here we go...

Step 1:

Start with the wings.
Don't add the detail, wait until last to do that.
We need to make the whole drawing is to our version of perfection before we add the detail!

Step 2:

Now go on to doing the bottom half of the drawing, which is the skirt.
Like I said with the wings..NO DETAIL YET!!

The bit of the skirt, which is shorter than the rest of it, will look strange, but once you have done the rest of the drawing, it won't look so strange

Step 3:

Now add the body, shoulder and arm. 
Now this does look weird! But the next step, will piece it together, and make it look non-headless!

Step 4:
Just add the hair for this step. Don't worry about the straggly bits until the next step. Just want to get the bigger bits done first! 
Looks like this fairy needs to brush her hair!

Step 5:

We're getting closer to adding detail now!
Add the straggly bits and shade in the hair.

Step 6:

Now add the doodles around her wings.
Don't know what they are, but they seem to make the picture very creative!

Step 7:

For the final step.
Shade in where needed. Add Detail.
Here's my finished drawing of a Fairy.

I really hope my Step-By-Step guide to drawing a fairy helped!
How about post your outcome of this drawing below!

Thank you!
Stephanie x

1 comment:

  1. thanks this helps alot mine turned out great thank you x
